Gearing up for winter in the Adirondacks means getting the warm clothes out, putting the boats away, and making sure skis, snowboards, snowmobiles, and any other toys are serviced! We are getting ready for a winter filled with outdoor recreation. From downhill skiing to snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and ice fishing, we’ve got it all. As things evolve over the 2020/2021 winter season, we wanted to make sure you have the most up-to-date information about ski resorts and snowmobile routes.
We want you to be prepared while snowmobiling in the Adirondacks, as things may be a little different than usual. Before you visit, here are 7 things you should know:
1) Know before you go
Preparation is key! Riders should carry a small tool bag and a snowmobile map. Also, plan your ride keeping gas stops in mind. Keep in mind that temperatures can change quickly throughout the day, so be sure to pack appropriate clothing. For a handy trip planning tool, download the Adirondacks, USA Snowmobile App today on the App Store or get it on Google Play.

2) Stay on groomed trails
Always ride the trails for the safest outing. Going off the trails could lead you in to dangerous conditions such as snow covered water spots.
3) Carry out what you carry in
Any kind of litter can present a hazard to other riders and wildlife. Be a good steward of the environment: carry a garbage bag with you and bring all trash home to dispose.
4) Leave it as you find it
Please do be kind to our natural surroundings so others can enjoy the peaceful nature of the Adirondacks.
5) Keep wildlife wild
You should always observe wildlife from a distance and never feed them. Human food is unhealthy for critters. Remember: we are visitors in their world. It's important to be respectful.
6) Limit your party
Keep in mind the appropriate amount of people that are allowed in today’s new standards. As always, practice social distancing while off your sleds.
7) Call ahead if able
Know the rules of the establishments you may plan to visit; they may have restrictions on the amount of visitors and special requirement for visitors. If possible, call in advance to make a reservation.
Follow these 7 tips and you will have an enjoyable snowmobile vacation in the Adirondacks. For more community based information, contact the local information centers for specific questions. Now, THINK SNOW!

It’s that time of the year where Oak Mountain has started snow making, the skis are tuned up, and we are waiting for opening day. Ski season will look a little different this year, and we want you to know what to expect. Here’s what you need to know about skiing at Oak for the 2020/2021 season:
1) Tickets are available online only
There is a capacity each day so be sure to get your ticket in advance to guarantee a spot. Ticket pick-ups will be available at the new outdoor ticket window located at the rental lodge. Season ticket holders need to reserve their ski days as well.

2) Face masks are required at all times
Unless seated to eat or drink or are in an outdoor location where social distancing is readily available, face coverings are required.
3) Ski or ride with who you came with
Ride the chairlift with people you arrived with and are skiing with. If you are more comfortable riding the lift alone, that can certainly be accommodated.

4) Minimize time spent indoors
Due to 50% lodge capacity, Oak is asking guests to get ready at their cars. Be prepared to spend the day outside with new outdoor fire pits, a new warming tent, and a new take-out pick-up window. (You can order all concession food and beverage online.) If you can't wait for the pick-up window, the new summit shack with grab-and-go treats will be open at the top of the chairlift and Campstore food truck will be in the parking lot. This will provide space in the lodge for Acorn Pub & Eatery guests.
5) Rentals or lessons must be booked online in advance
Lessons will be private or family-only, plus an instructor. Rentals pick-ups will be spread out with only 2 customer groups at any one time in the rental shop and require an appointment time.
Throughout the winter, things will likely be changing, but you can stay up to date with Oak Mountain at or at their Facebook page.
Plan your winter vacation to the Adirondacks! Experience small towns and wide open spaces while making memories with your friends and family that will last a lifetime. Book a place to stay, enjoy all of the winter recreation opportunities and warm up with delicious hot meals.
The reason you may see media of people not wearing masks on our website is because all footage is from prior years. More than ever we all need to be vigilant about maintaining social distance of 6 feet or more and wearing masks when we cannot social distance.